Prosciutto e Melone

The seasons are changing, everywhere I look summer is spilling from the produce stands.

I catch a whiff of something sweet and familiar, I let my nose lead the way. Melons of all colors, textures, and shapes.

I ask the woman at the stand for “il melone perfetto”. She responds, “per oggi o domani?”


Tomorrow is Sunday and prosciutto e melone sounds like the perfect lazy afternoon meal.

I wake up Sunday morning and my kitchen is filled with the aroma of ripe melone, “perfetto”. Now for the prosciutto.

I venture into town on my bike and wander the streets until I see a shop that catches my eye. Legs of prosciutto di parma hang from the window and an older gentleman is behind the counter, perfetto!

“Fette molto sottili”, I tell him, he smiles.

I peddle home with a new vigor, I have precious meat in my basket and a melon at home that is ripening sweeter by the second.

It’s very simple. Slice the melon into wedges and delicately drape a slice of prosciutto on each piece. That’s it. If you are feeling luxurious drizzle with a little extra virgin oil. “Adoro!”

I love the savory-sweet contrast that typifies so many Italian dishes, this being a prime example.

Prosciutto e melone is exclusively a summer dish and should be eaten only when the melon is perfectly ripe and super sweet.

Grab a melone at the market today and think of me 🍈✨


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