Ciao, it’s Taylor!

The human behind The Golden Yarrow.

  • Holistic and Functional Nutritionist

  • Clinical Herbalist

  • Classically Trained & Health Supportive Chef

  • Personal Trainer & Joyful Movement Coach

  • Flower Essence Practitioner

  • Reiki Healing

  • Medicine Maker

My Practice.

I am passionate about helping others feel their best by eating real whole food, looking to nature for guidance and inspiration, incorporating self-nourishment practices into their routine, thoughtfully using healing herbal plants, and daily movement that sparks joy and creates connection.

I believe in a balanced approach to health, one that nourishes the body, mind, and spirit, focuses on bio-individuality, is flexible, instills trust in the body, acknowledges there is no such thing as perfect, empowers you to listen to your intuition and experience, and makes you feel safe - that every version of you is worth care.

My Background.

I have always loved creating in the kitchen, which led me to attend culinary school and for many years a career working for numerous restaurants, bakeries, wineries, and catering companies. Having worn many hats as a baker, chef, event coordinator, and wine educator, I am well-versed in attention to detail and providing a high-end experience to my clients.

However, the fast-paced culture of the food & wine industry was unforgiving and quickly led to an unhealthy work-life balance and many health issues. I was suffering from disordered eating, skin rashes, gut issues, frequent headaches, overwhelming fatigue, high-functioning anxiety, and lacked any real boundaries. This had me get curious about the root cause of it all. I decided to dive deeper and look at the connection between my food choices, habits, inner critic voice, lifestyle, environment, and relationships, and how all these decisions, thoughts, connections we make in life factor in to our health and vitality.

With healthy eating and exercise being my pillars, I continued my education in holistic nutrition, clinical herbalism, Ayurvedic medicine, and exercise therapy. By committing to my own series of small habit shifts over time and focusing on self-nourishment I was led to a powerful breakthrough in my own healing. Greater happiness, more presence, fully embodied, and filled with love.

My Mission.

My work is the outward manifestation of my own healing journey. It brings me immense joy to share the tools and resources from many teachers and modalities I’ve found along the way. I believe the path to healing roots in loving ourselves and building lives we love. In our current system, it is a radical and transformative act to slow down, choose self-nourishment, and to love ourselves.

I would not be here today had I not been through every high and low of my life. I believe that’s true for all of us: our journeys, however different and complex they may seem, take us on exactly the path we are meant to be on to get us to exactly where we are meant to be. Fully on my path, I look forward to supporting you on your individual path to living a life full of balance, joy, and love.