Make your own Nut Milk.

There’s something so deeply soothing about making my own nut milk. Not only is it incredibly easy, but it’s also better for you! ⁣

⁣Store-bought nut milk is full of emulsifying agents, such as lecithin, carrageenan, xanthan, and other “gums,” which keep oils and fats from separating. They are also used to improve the texture and shelf-life of many foods found in supermarkets, from salad dressing to ice cream.⁣

⁣Studies suggest that these ingredients may also be contributing to the rising rate of obesity. The emulsifiers interfere with the body’s ability to feel full, resulting in overeating. Which then can cause a storage of unhealthy fat around the organs. The emulsifiers also disrupt friendly bacteria in the gut microbiome, which leads to inflammation in the gut and eventually a break down of the gut walls, think leaky gut, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Doctors and scientists are proving that these food additives are dangerous to your health, but the FDA continues to deem them as safe despite the evidence to the contrary. Choose wisely when grocery shopping. Making your own nut milk is an easy upgrade to better health and it tastes amazing! My favorite recipe below 👇⁣


Yields about 2 quarts of Nut Milk ⁣

- 1/2 cup almonds ⁣

- 1 cup walnuts ⁣

- 1 cup cashews ⁣

- 5 cups of filtered water ⁣

- 2 pitted dates ⁣

- pinch of sea salt ⁣

Cover nuts with filtered water and soak overnight. Or if in a time crunch, soak nuts in boiling water for at least 30min. Drain liquid. In a high-speed blender combine the soaked nuts, 5 cups of filtered water, 2 pitted dates, and a pinch of sea salt. Depending on your blender, blend on high speed for 1-2 min (resulting in a fine nut meal). Strain through a nut milk bag and enjoy! Keeps about one week in the fridge and remember separation is NATURAL!


Pancakes, a Sunday ritual.


Magic Mineral Broth