Lunar Apothecary

Super Blue Moon in Pisces - August 30th

Lunar magic through herbal rituals, spells, & tarot

The Lunar Apothecary is a co creation with Aimee Hanson, a master astrology, energy healer/teacher, and empowerment coach. From her astro teachings I am able to formulate the herbal protocols and rituals based on Aimee’s insightful astro forecast.

Herbal Ally for the Full Moon in Pisces


Pisces…the visionary dreamer - the part of us that connects deeply to physic and imaginative powers of the mind.

Ruled by Neptune - governs the pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands, the limbic system (the center of our emotions), and our perceptive mind.

Neptune is archetypically representative of our creativity, perception, and inspiration through the experience of dreams, fantasies, visions, illusions, imagination, and intuition.

The herb of choice for this Full Moon in Pisces can be used to further deepen the Neptunian creative-mystical mind, yet also to ground us in our human experience through healthy boundaries and protection medicine. (Important when working in dualities). A great herbal ally for the cyclical nature of endings and new beginnings; letting go of the past and welcoming in the future.

MUGWORT - Artemisia vulgaris

Used in many traditions around the world for energetic cleansing, smoke medicine, divination, dream work, and beyond.

All Artemisia family plants are sacred to Artemis, the Moon Goddess, and throughout historical folklore, Mugwort is closely linked to the fairy realms. Among a variety of cultures Mugwort has been used to protect against evil spirits, parasitic entities, dark energy, and hexes.

Like the Moon, Mugwort’s silvery iridescent leaves illuminate the path to our higher consciousness, granting us the strength to work with our shadow, protecting us from the dark forces that one might encounter as we dive deeper into our psyche.

DREAMWORK: Mugwort has long been used to encourage lucid dreaming and to help us connect with the dreaming realm. To work with Mugwort in this way, prepare a Mugwort Dream Sachet and place it beneath your pillow.

Alternatively you can burn the dried plant in your bedroom to stimulate dreaming.

Suggested Dream Spell for the FULL MOON IN PISCES

As you are falling asleep, call to the Spirit of Mugwort (your dream ally) to take you to the spirits or energies of whatever you are wanting to manifest (i.e. future partner, job, home, vacation, etc.) lovingly tell Mugwort you are ready to experience all the feelings of your manifestation in your dream realm. This is powerful spellwork, get ready to watch your dreams come to life.

Ideally do this dream spell on the night of the Full Moon and up to a week after.

Repeat as needed.

How to Make Herbal Dream Sachets:

  1. Mix together your selected herbs in a large bowl. Mugwort, Rose, Lavender would be a beautiful blend, or you can stick to working solely with Mugwort to gain a deeper connection to the plant.

  1. If you choose to use essential oils, add one drop at a time and mix well, adding oil drop-by-drop as needed.

  2. Scoop your herbal blend into a little muslin bag.

  3. Optional add your favorite gemstones to enhance your dream state, moonstone & rose quartz are great options.

  4. Secure tightly.

  5. Place underneath, inside, or beside your pillow before bedtime, and rest easy.

Mugwort connects you with your subconscious and higher mind. It sweeps away the dust, shines the old and forgotten spots in your mind, and gives you a chance to heal those shadow wounds further. Whether you dream, burn, drink, or bathe in it, this plant is ready to provide its medicine and be a part of your inner healing journey.


Pisces are known to be deeply compassionate, intuitive, and filled with imagination. And as the last sign of the zodiac, a full moon in this sign can also signify closures and evolutions. Within the tarot, Pisces is represented by the Moon Card - interpreted as listening to the whispers of one’s inner self, surrender, and spiritual growth.


Tarot Spread

To begin, go through your deck and find the Moon Card, which is the corresponding card in the tarot to the Pisces zodiac sign. You are going to use this as a significator of sorts, to help you focus your thoughts on this full moon.

Shuffle the cards as usual, draw and lay them out as pictured.

  1. What must I sacrifice? - What can I learn to let go of in order to become my best self? What beliefs can I surrender to a higher power?

  2. Where must I learn to listen to my unconscious? - What parts of my life can I benefit from listening to my gut and intuition?

  3. What blocks me from hearing its message? - Why prevents me from listening to my unconscious? 

  4. What is in store for me upon release? - What outcome will my surrender lead me to?

Full Moon blessings, wondrous babes.


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